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Calgary Data Recovery Service From SSD and SSHD

Solid State Drive (SSD)

    A solid-state drive (SSD) is a solid-state storage device that uses integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data persistently. It is also sometimes called solid-state disk; in association with these devices, both the words "drive" and "disk" are historical, since an SSD has neither physical disks of any kind nor a mechanical drive to access the storage media, a set of stationary solid-state ICs. SSD technology primarily uses electronic and logical interfaces compatible with traditional block input/output (I/O) hard disk drives (HDDs), such as SATA and SAS, permitting simple replacement of HDDs with SSDs in common applications.  The development of SSDs first as drop-in replacements for contemporary rotating-magnetic-disk HDDs is the origin of the application of the terms "drive" and "disk" to these non-mechanical devices. Following the initial acceptance of SSDs as HDD alternatives, new I/O interfaces like M.2 and U.2 have been designed to address specific requirements of the SSD technology.
   SSDs have no moving mechanical components. This distinguishes them from conventional electromechanical drives such as hard disk drives (HDDs) or floppy disks, which contain spinning disks and movable read/write heads. Compared with electromechanical drives, SSDs are typically more resistant to physical shock, run silently, have quicker access time and lower latency. However, while the price of SSDs has continued to decline over time, SSDs are (as of 2018) still more expensive per unit of storage than HDDs and are expected to continue to be so into the next decade.
  Most SSDs use 3D TLC NAND-based flash memory, which is a type of non-volatile memory that retains data when power is lost. For applications requiring fast access but not necessarily data persistence after power loss, SSDs may be constructed from random-access memory (RAM). Such devices may employ batteries as integrated power sources to retain data for a certain amount of time after external power is lost.
   However, all SSDs still store data in electrical charges, which slowly leak over time if left without power. This causes worn out drives (that have exceeded their endurance rating) to start losing data typically after one (if stored at 30 °C) to two (at 25 °C) years in storage; for new drives it takes longer. Therefore, SSDs are not suited for archival purposes.
   Hybrid drives or solid-state hybrid drives (SSHDs), such as Apple's Fusion Drive, combine the features of SSDs and HDDs in the same unit, containing a large hard disk drive and an SSD cache to improve performance of frequently accessed data.

From SSD Hybrid OPTANE Storage we can restore data as well. if you have currented or damaged OPTANE SSD media bring it to us for data recovery or transfer service.

Hybrid Hard Drives (SSHD) 

As the name suggests, a hybrid hard drive is an information storage device that simultaneously uses magnetic plates, such as in traditional hard disks, and faster but smaller solid-state flash memory media. 
Basically, there are three types of hybrid drives.
   The first technology involves the use of two separate devices, a larger hard drive and a smaller SSD, in a two-drive hybrid configuration. They certainly require support from the operating system, and / or chipset on the motherboard for getting tips on what data to cache on a small SSD.
   The second type of hybrid drives was built on the same principle as the first one, only integrated two storage devices in one physical body. They also required support from the operating system. Without support, such devices would look like two separate disks for the operating system.
  The third and last type of hybrid drives are real SSHDs. Such devices not only integrate HDD and SSD in one device, but also implement all caching logic with the help of their own microcontrollers. Only this type of hybrid drive is a real SSHD, and can be used in any computer, with or without support for hybrid memory.
   If you use a configuration of two separate devices, with a smaller SSD and larger HDD, and the SSD part is out of order, you can simply disable the SSD and continue to use the hard drive as usual (with some loss of speed). But, if the HDD part is out of order, or there is a logical damage (such as a formatted volume or deleted partitions), in order to return your information you will need to compare the programs for data recovery.
   If the drive fails due to mechanical damage, you can give the HDD drive (with or without SSD part) to the repair shop, and ask them to save the information from this drive to another media. You can also use signature-based data recovery technology (which is available in tools such as Hetman Partition Recovery) to scan the SSD part at a low level, in order to recover files that can be cached on it. But due to the nature of the hybrid media, your chances of recovering anything other than the group of system files are very small.
   If the drive fails due to mechanical damage, you can give the HDD drive (with or without SSD part) to the repair shop, and ask them to save the information from this drive to another media. You can also use signature-based data recovery technology (which is available in tools such as Hetman Partition Recovery) to scan the SSD part at a low level, in order to recover files that can be cached on it. But due to the nature of the hybrid media, your chances of recovering anything other than the group of system files are very small.
   Finally, what if you have a real SSHD drive, without any visible separate SSD and HDD partitions, and the SSD part failed?  In some cases, you will even be able to normally read the files without having to use the data recovery tool. However, do not continue to use such a device, since for sure you will sooner or later start to appear corrupted files.


1. Data transfer $100+ GST Per drive.
If Your hard drive works good without any issues.

2. Damaged SATA, SAS, PCI-Express, Thunderbolt, or other  connectors issues.
Price  $150 + GST

3. Logical data recovery. Formatted partition, Erased data (this is not forensic case),small bad blocks on hard drive, other small problems.
Price:  $250-350 + GST 

4. Electrical issue, short circuit damages or firmware problem, logic board malfunction, CPU fried, RAM problems, PCB failure. 
Price:  $400-600 + GST  per drive

5. Memory Chip Reading issue, Memory cells degradation, Physicals damages,
Price from $800 - 3000 + GST .

6 Second attempt and very high damages, wrong soldering, overheated by infrared solder equipment, CPU fried, cache memory damaged, damaged by other data recovery services and data recovery laboratories, and if no one can retrieve data from it
Price: $3000-xxxxx + GST

No data no charge and free evaluation policy.

Data recovery Speed:

1. Turnaround time 10-15 business days - regular price
2. Turnaround time 4-8 business days - + 50% to regular price
3. Turnaround time 24 hours-2 business days - +100 %regular price

   The time to complete the work can be 2-3 times faster if we can make it easier during the process of reading data, or it may take longer if we will need to order spare parts or develop a special recovery technology specifically for your device, and this especially applies to cases of repeated data recovery, second opinion cases, or data recovery after other companies were unable to restore your data.
(second attempt cases)

   The time to complete the work can be 2-3 times faster if we can make it easier during the process of reading data, or it may take longer if we will need to order spare parts or develop a special recovery technology specifically for your device, and this especially applies to cases of repeated data recovery, second opinion cases, or data recovery after other companies were unable to restore your data (second attempt cases)


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